Saturday, September 28, 2013


I don’t need to start stating reasons why you may want to browse privately as there are apparently many reasons. It’s easier for anybody to open your phone or pc browser and view your history tab to see what you’ve been up to. You may be doing your personal works online, like filling out forms or researching your personal interests and you don’t want anybody to know or see it even when you forget to clear the history before exiting the browser. Basically it makes sense to enable private browsing anytime you intend to keep your browsing history confidential. In private browsing, no browser history, search history, download history, web form history, password, cookies or temporary internet files will be kept. However anything you bookmarked or save while browsing will remain.

In actual fact, private browsing only prevents your browser from saving your browsing history. This means that anyone else who uses your computer or phone will not be able to see your online activity except the person is standing at your back while browsing. 

It’s available for Internet explorer, Firefox (Phone and PC), Chrome (Phone and PC) and Safari (Mac Computers). 

It’s simple; just follow the steps below;

Internet Explorer:  click tool >  Choose Inprivate browsing  or use the keyboard shortcut (ctrl+shift+p)

Chrome PC: click menu button > choose new incognito window and start browsing privately. For phone chrome browser just click option > new incognito tab.

Firefox PC: click the Firefox button  and select start Private browsing.

For phone, just click options > New private tab.

Safari: click safari > select private browsing.

That’s just it for private browsing. Once you’re in that mode you are secure and free to do all secret things (you know what I mean, Don’t you?)

Leave your comment below…..

Remember no knowledge is a waste….so keep learning.

Friday, September 27, 2013


I can never forget how to resolve any serious issue I had previously resolved with my pc.  So many times we are face with tough pc issues and we seek for help either from our friends or IT colleagues.  If you could record step by step how he resolved it, you don’t need to call him the next time you are face with same issue. If you already know what am talking about, then good, but for those who don’t know you can actually do a lots of things with this nice add-on feature present with windows OS. The way it works is to create a screen shot of every click made by the mouse, that means at every click you make (I mean every click) a screen shot is taken silently behind the scene, even if you are just clicking on the desktop.

The screen shot are created in zip format, so you can export it, save it or send it by email to anyone.

This is basically one method used to create most screen shot tutorial you see online.

It’s called problem step recorder in windows, but you can use it for as long as your imagination can reach.

To enable this feature just click the windows key on your keyboard (windows 7) or windows + C and click search (windows 8) and type “psr”, then click on step recorder. That’s it. You can start to record and pause when you like. You can add comment to each click so your friend or you can remember what happened at that instant. 

You can always go to the settings menu and tweak it to either take screen shot or not. Taken screen shot takes more space, so sometimes you may not necessarily need to enable it.

These are some few scenarios where you may want to use it; for example

You want to show a friend in another location how to solve a particular problem step by step

You want to create a personal tutorial on anything PC related

You want to take a snap shot of your desktop or screen without using any special software

You want to know places an unauthorized user accessed in your pc while you are away. The trick is to  Just hide it when you start it.

I leave you to imagine other possible ways of exploring it…..

Remember imagination is a powerful  tool…..learn to use it.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


How many of your favorite radio program have you missed just because you were on a tight schedule. Most people have this service available to them but probably don’t use it. The first question anyone would probably ask me is why would I want to record FM? Well, you really don’t have to if you don’t want to.

Let me just give one scenario where you may need it; for example I love listening to the cool songs played on cool FM very early in the Morning and I want to have some collections of that music in that order in which it is played as one file on my phone.

Normally, am expected to go to cool FM radio station office and request for their music collection played that day or I could just at the click of a  button present in my own phone at my own convenience record all the songs as my heart desires. That’s interesting, don’t you think? That’s just one scene where may need it.

Well, you can basically record anything playing and the quality is crystal clear. You are only limited by the size of your SD card and battery capacity. That means if you are lucky to have the new 1 TB MMC card, you can record any show for 24 hours/7 days and listen to it over and over again. 

Record news if you are on a busy schedule and later listen to it.

Alright, enough said. How can you do this? Everything I have been saying so far is actually just a feature present in your phone, you just didn’t know or probably didn’t really see why you should use it.  If you have an android phone like Samsung S2, S3, S4, NOTE 1, 2, 3  and some other selected xperia phones you can use it. INFACT ANY SAMSUNG DEVICE WITH INBUILT FM and CAN BE UPGRADED TO JELLYBEAN WILL HAVE THIS FEATURE. I have tested it on many android phone BEFORE POSTING (the higher ones though) and the truth is not all brands of phones can do it, but if you have a better way of doing it on other devices kindly share with us. For old Nokia Symbian you can get this app @ovi store (i haven’t tested it though, but some people claimed it works).

If you have the compatible phone, just open your Fm and click the red button at the top right corner of the app or use options, record Fm, then  select your saved location to start recording. It’s as simple as that and there are other ways of doing it but this gives the best and clear quality of recording. Just like the saying goes there is nothing as good as follow come. This isn’t piracy by the way.

You can ask your questions and also contributes because I love to learn and wouldn’t mind learning other confirmed way of doing this.

Remember knowledge is power….so keep learning.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Many a time we lose our phones, tabs or pads or laptop and the first thing that comes to our mind is the files and important document we have saved and then we are like  “Oh no! My whole life is gone”.

I know for a fact that everybody knows that backup exist and understand how it works but many people still don’t use it because they see it as too much trouble. I will advise you to stftart cultivating the habit of backing up your important contacts, messages and documents, because there are some certain files you just can’t get back when you lose them.

You may not know the importance until you actually lose that precious computing device you store your files with. There are various ways by which you can backup your files. If you an Oracle Savvy or a database person, you will know about a process termed mirroring or redundancy….by that I mean backing the same file or set of files in different locations. With that you never have to worry about losing your files when you lose your device. Below are some of the various ways you can explore to backup your files.

1. Dropbox:  you can use the Android, Nokia Lumia and Iphone drop box app. Download it from GooglePlay, Windows App Store and iTunes respectively.  Set it up to sync your contact and messages as you add and receive them. Once you set it up you don’t have to worry about anything. With this you can backup anything on your phone and laptop. You can set the frequency of the backup too. As a free user you have 2GB space. That’s more than enough to backup all your contacts and messages for a lifetime if you don’t want to go premium to use backup other heavy file type. At you can also get the same service. Remember the mirroring I talked about. 

2. For those with Nokia Lumia you can make do with Skydrive on your phone. If you have the Symbian device you can backup all your document including contact and messages by going to file and choosing backup and save it to an external drive like your memory card and restore it back any time. Always remember to save it onto an external drive.

3. The android fans have lots of ways to Backup, I will suggest Google drive in addition to dropbox.

4. Itunes is always a portable companion for the i-all guys, just sync your contact and messages with i-cloud and you are safe.

5. If you are in Nigeria you can make use of the following network provided backup service. On the MTN Network, you can the MTN Backup SIM directly from your non GPRS phone. It cost #100 for the first backup and #50 for subsequent sync. This charges applies when doing it directly from your handset as online backup is free. You can only backup 200 contacts using this method but if you want to backup up to more than 200 contacts to a maximum of 5000 then you can go to and signup for the service.  For ETISALAT steps go to and download their app @ or send SUB to 48900. For AIRTEL go to and type in type in your number,  a link will be sent to you to download the backup app. For AIRTEL you can also send “MYBACKUP to 522” to get the link.

Then of course the old way; saving your files to various flash drives, external hard drives and disk

The point isn’t if one method is better than the other. Honestly whether you use the method suggested above or you have a better way of backing up….the point is learn to back up your important files so that when disaster strikes, or your computing device of choice experience sudden death or get stolen, you will be glad you did. By the way, this is actually the whole idea behind the growing cloud computing technology you see today.

Your contributions, comment and feedbacks are highly welcome.

Remember the right information is key….so keep learning.


GCF Learning: are you tired of having to go for training on simple things you could have done yourself? Well, GCF Learning is actually a group of developers that design easy to understand tutorials on popular software and apps like MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher, Access, CorelDraw etc… can got to google play and search for GCF and you will get all their apps. It's available also ITunes and Nokia

The good part is they come with step by step screen shoot and some short videos for quick understanding, so if you are the type tired of reading prose, you also get a hands on video to play with and the BEST part is its free to download… enjoy learning…

Remember knowledge is power… keep learning.


The application that allows you to do this is HTTRACK Website Copier: Well, this is one nifty app that lets you do an amazing stuff. It basically does what it says, copies a website. I have been using it for a long time now and I can say it can really save you a lot of headache if you get the gist. So, what exactly does this do? Lets picture a scenario where you are browsing a site and wish to read an article or tutorial or read the whole story from a news website and you are charged based on the time you spent on the internet or maybe you are using your office WIFI Hotspot and you know when you leave the office you will have to rely on your own limited mobile connection to browse. Well, this little app lets you actually copy the website content from the online server directly to your local memory card in your phone or hard disk in your PC and you can browse the site in “offline mode” through your browser as you would in an online environment. It saves time and allows you to read your favorite articles or tutorial at your own convenience in the same format you would if you were connected online. What this means is that if your visit tutorial sites like you can actually download the whole content of the site to your hard disk. You are limited only by your hard disk space. The fact that you can potentially download the whole web on your pc or phone doesn’t mean you should. Anyway, here is the good part; HTTrack also allows you to download the update part of your downloaded website and add it to your local file without having to download it all over again and the best part is that its freeeee… …’s cool right….there are lots of tweak and tricks you can do with it and I will leave you to dig it. Its available for all Platform; Android, iOS, PC and Mac. Get it from Google Play for android, iTunes for Mac and IPAD, and for PC. Remember No Knowledge is a waste… keep learning

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


DATA SHARE:  This is the era of data my friends and everyone wants cheap and efficient ways of maximizing their data usage. Every average individual wants more data to browse and the era of unlimited data plan is gradually slipping away if not already gone. The reason isn’t far fetch as new social networking app and sites get dish out every day; but i find the idea of data sharing a little bit interesting and cost effective.

For every app, product or services created by any individual or group of people, no matter how stupid always has an underlining assumption and believes. This is also true for data sharing.

So, what exactly is data sharing? In a layman terms; data sharing is simply sharing your data plan with two or more people irrespective of their location or type of device they use. This means I can have a central SIM residing in a NOKIA TOUCH LIGHT PHONE not capable of browsing, subscribe to a data plan and share the data with the SIM in my Modem, My IPAD, My Samsung Galaxy Phone as well MY Family and Friends SIMs. This is totally different from WIFI Hotspot and Data Gifting because unlike WIFI Hotspot which is phone dependent, Data sharing is network dependent and it’s not limited by the phone type.

This means you can use a non GPRS enabled phone to share data to a GPRS enable phone. It also means that I can be in Lagos and share my data with someone in Abuja.

Here is a scenario to fully understand how it works; Let’s say I subscribe to a data plan of 250MB on MTN, ETISALAT or if you are in the USA AT&T with a validity of 1 month and I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters in school (you know student always don’t have money, even the rich ones, it’s a culture) and they want to be able to whatsapp, vibe, tweets their friends but have no money to subscribe and they want your help to pay their internet bills or perhaps you and your friend in different location wish to both combine money to subscribe to one data plan, be it 10MB or 16GB.

Well, this is where data share comes into play. You can simply add their name to your data share list and wherever they are they can start browsing with your subscription….cool right….Well, the good part is you can always delete and add them back and its password protected so anyone can’t just add their number to your list.

Ok, mine is just to let you know that this technology exist, yours is to find out from your ISP (Internet Service Provider) how to subscribe for the service.

At least you know now that data sharing exist and this is what I intend to achieve on everydayICT allowing you to fully understand and maximize the use of things you see everyday around you.

Don’t forget to subscribe to my facebook page @facebook and BE-aware.

Leave your comments and I will respond as ASAP

Remember no knowledge is a waste….so keep learning.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Practice and Take Your Professional Exams on the Go.

VCE Mobile: Many people are aware of the Visual Exam Suite for PC and Mac that allows you to read and practice dumps for your professional exams, but only few know that you can actually have the same experience with your mobile devices. If I ever lose my phone, this is the second software I will get back (don’t ask me for the first).

There are so many things you can do with the visual exam suite, you could for example as a teacher in a secondary school or lecturer at a university, create a computer base exam for your students. You can even create a personal exam for yourself for self practice.

It’s available for PC, Mac, Android and iOS. For those of you in the habit of cramming and memorizing dumps answer to write professional exams this is for you. You can practice and take any dump exam with it while on the go right on your mobile phone PMP, Oracle, MCSA, MCSE, CCNA, ITIL, ACCA, ICAN etc

Well, this is the mobile version and it does quite a nice job. It lets you practice on the go so you never have any excuse to fail your exam. It has a free and premium version (premium recommended). You can get lots of exams dumps from Just get the app from Google Play or Apple iTunes Store. It’s simple to use and its straight forward. Here is the good part; all those your pdf past questions and answers can be converted to VCE compatible format and you can start answering them as you would in a computer base test. You can time yourself and measure your speed. You can get the full link to download the premium app here.

Now that you know a few cool things you can do with it, you can be proactive and explore your imagination and you can also take your cheating to the next level and get a double portion of your scores.

Ask your questions using the comment box and I will respond ASAP.

Remember knowledge is power….so keep learning.

Welcome to Everyday ICT Blog.

Here on everyday-ICT Blog we will together start using more than 50% of our device and gadget capabilities. This includes but not limited to our Laptops, Phones, gadget of all sort. For example your Bluetooth headset with a little tweak can do more than just listen to music. You will most likely be thrilled and fascinated by most of the well research insight on productive software’s and apps, latest technology, How TOs, reviews and unbelievable facts I will be writing on.

Most people purchase very expensive device ranging from $200 - $3000 and they don’t even use more than 5% of it in its entire life cycle. Hey Pius! it’s my device not yours; Well, yeah! but what if you could do a few cool things with your device that could save you extra stress and maybe even extra cash at your own convenience without spending a dime? Now, that wouldn’t hurt, would it?

We buy expensive devices or upgrade to the latest technology for a number of reasons which might be some cool features you heard on TV commercial or your local Radio or probably read online or maybe you got that device as a result of peer pressure, trying to impress, the class thing or maybe you are just fortunate unlike me to be related to Bill Gate or Dangote.

Honestly, am not bordered with your reasons; what I am more consign about is for you to actually explore the value of your money on that device you’ve got in your hands.

There are so many things you can do with a Smartphone, a tablet or a PC. For example you can’t have a Samsung S1, S2, S3, S4, Note 1, 2 or 3,  Tecno Phatom A+ or N or Sony Xperia devices and maybe Iphone 5 and some certain symbian devices and still go to the café to scan a document you want to send to your mail or go to the photographer to take a quick 2*2 passport when all you need is a softcopy of the file or maybe you here a new song on Tv and you wish you could get the song details at that moment; Well, if you know the right software to use, you could save yourself the money to call your friend or googling your way. Well, many folks are cool with that, but if you keep following me on my page, blog and YouTube channel you will soon stop wasting money, time and bandwidth doing the things you do daily a little faster at the your own convenience. You will be well informed.

Truthfully, with just one app or software that most people probably have on their phone or laptop they could do so much if they are aware of the scenario at which they can use it and that’s where Everyday ICT comes in.

I will try as much as possible to publish only productive, innovative and informative articles so you don’t have to waste your bandwidth reading senseless post. I will also post direct links where necessary.

Some of the stuff I will be talking about you may already be well familiar with it, don’t sweat; you will surely find something that will interest you as we go on, so stay tuned as I try in my own little way to help you understand the things you’ve being seeing around you Everyday in information and communication technology.
Don’t forget to leave your contributions, comments, feedbacks and criticism below…. I will respond swiftly ASAP. Thank you.

Remember knowledge is power….so keep learning.