I can never forget how to resolve any serious issue I had previously resolved with my pc. So many times we are face with tough pc issues and we seek for help either from our friends or IT colleagues. If you could record step by step how he resolved it, you don’t need to call him the next time you are face with same issue. If you already know what am talking about, then good, but for those who don’t know you can actually do a lots of things with this nice add-on feature present with windows OS. The way it works is to create a screen shot of every click made by the mouse, that means at every click you make (I mean every click) a screen shot is taken silently behind the scene, even if you are just clicking on the desktop.
The screen shot are created in zip format, so you can export it, save it or send it by email to anyone.
This is basically one method used to create most screen shot tutorial you see online.
It’s called problem step recorder in windows, but you can use it for as long as your imagination can reach.
To enable this feature just click the windows key on your keyboard (windows 7) or windows + C and click search (windows 8) and type “psr”, then click on step recorder. That’s it. You can start to record and pause when you like. You can add comment to each click so your friend or you can remember what happened at that instant.
You can always go to the settings menu and tweak it to either take screen shot or not. Taken screen shot takes more space, so sometimes you may not necessarily need to enable it.
These are some few scenarios where you may want to use it; for example
You want to show a friend in another location how to solve a particular problem step by step
You want to create a personal tutorial on anything PC related
You want to take a snap shot of your desktop or screen without using any special software
You want to know places an unauthorized user accessed in your pc while you are away. The trick is to Just hide it when you start it.
I leave you to imagine other possible ways of exploring it…..
Remember imagination is a powerful tool…..learn to use it.
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